What is a "cookie"?

A cookie is a small text file that is transferred to your computer, smartphone or tablet through your web browser. Cookies are transferred to the hard drive of your device (computer, smartphone or tablet) when you visit our site. Cookies enable our system to recognise you on subsequent visits. This enables us to improve your use of the site.

Cookies can be temporary (session cookies) or permanent. Session cookies are only active for the duration of your visit and are deleted when you close the browser. Permanent cookies remain on the hard disk of your terminal when you leave the site and remain there until you manually delete them or until the browser purges them after a certain period of time.

Why do we use cookies?

We only use session cookies to remember you when you visit our site.

The pages that display the share buttons of social networks (Facebook, Twitter, pintrest,...) install their own cookies in order to allow the sharing of site content to the pages of these networks.

How to manage cookies?

Most browsers are set to accept cookies used by us or third parties. However, you can set these parameters to accept cookies (ours and those of third parties), to be invited to accept or refuse each cookie sent and to reject all cookies without distinction.

To find out more about cookies, you can consult this site (in English): http://www.allaboutcookies.org.

Why agree to use them?

To ensure the highest level of functionality on the site, we recommend that you accept our cookies and those of third parties. You can change these settings in your browser's preference settings.

If you wish to reject our cookies, you can configure your browser to do so. Please be aware that in this case certain functions may be unavailable, which would limit your ability to use the site.